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Accident/Incident Reporting

Accident/Incident Reporting

All accidents and incidents must be verbally reported immediately to your supervisor. Upon return to the office a written report must be submitted.
  • Stop the vehicle as safely as possible in a secure location.
  • Call Dispatcher with Location, Police, Ambulance information.
  • Calm and assist passengers if necessary.
  • Check for Injured passengers.
  • Keep passengers informed of activities relating to them as a result of the accident.
  • Get courtesy cards signed.
  • Give police and the other driver all necessary information.
  • NOTE: Do Not Admit any Blame Or Guilt.
  • Complete accident report before leaving the office for the day.

Preventing Unjust Liability Claims

  • Do not remove vehicle from the scene until cleared to do so.
  • Give only required information on the scene.
  • Try not to be overheard when giving details to the dispatcher (give only specific information) remember, a radio is public domain-anyone may be listening.
  • Do not criticize company equipment or rules at the scene.
  • Drivers should never say that they will contact anyone concerning damages.
  • Get as many courtesy cards filled out as possible.
  • Fill out an accurate report, include a diagram.

After the Accident Observe:

  • Actions of other people
  • Obvious signs of intoxication
  • Obvious signs of injury
  • Remarks  about vehicle conditions
  • Weather conditions, light conditions
  • Obvious damage and prior damage

After the Accident Observe Traffic Signs or Lanes Control Devices for:

  • Proper operation
  • Proper placement
  • Proper timing

Handling Incidents

  • Types of Incidents include:
  • ​Injury or Illness - Immediate verbal report, followed by a written report​
  • Behavioral Issues - Immediate verbal report, followed by written report
  • Safety Concerns - Immediate verbal report, followed by written report
  • Abuse:
    • Neglect​
    • ​Physical Abuse​
    • Verbal Abuse​​
* All types of abuse should be reported to your point person.​


Child Safety Seat/Restraint
Drivers and aides must follow the proper protocol for child safety seats/restraints:
  • Children from birth to age 4 must be in an approved car seat. Ages 4 to 8 or 80 lbs. must be in a booster seat. 
  • Parent or guardian will provide the child safety seat.
  • If a child seat is not provided, transportation will be canceled until a child safety seat is provided. The driver or aide must radio the supervisor.


Company Managers
Someone in your company is assigned the responsibility of supervising you as an employee. Cooperation and communication with you manager is essential. Know your supervisor.
  • Always inform your manager of discipline problems, vehicle problems, road conditions and changing pick-up/discharge procedures at centers, schools and workshops.
  • Report all accidents immediately, whether or not damage is apparent and complete an accident report as per accident reporting procedure.


Contractor Expectations
  • All clients including children are to be seat belted at all times.
  • Drivers are to wait no more than five (5) minutes at the home of a client who is not ready. At five minutes (5) call the dispatcher for instructions.
  • Drivers are never to leave intellectually disabled (ID), Adult Day Care clients and/or children unattended at arrival at the training center or school. If arrival is before the training center/ school beginning time, drivers are to wait with the clients.
  • Delays on a run of fifteen (15) minutes or more are to be radioed to the company so that the proper persons can be notified.
  • Drivers may not refuse to transport a client nor put a client off a van en route. Problems should be radioed to supervisor immediately.
  • Incidents or problems of any type are to be reported immediately. Drivers must complete an incident report at the end of their shift.
  • Drivers are not to smoke in their vehicle and are to enforce a No Smoking rule for clients as well. A $250.00 fine will be assessed if found smoking in the vehicle.


Front Seat Passengers
No passengers shall ride in the front seat of sedans, mini vans and full size vans.
  • Medical reasons
  • Rear passenger area is occupied to capacity.
If exception, all front seat passengers must wear a seat belt.


Pre-trip Manual
Click Here to View Manual


Proper Dress Code
Drivers and Aides are required to wear proper uniform at all times (type of clothing varies depending on the weather):
  • All drivers and monitors must have a neat and clean appearance
  • Company green shirts, black pants, black shoes, black jacket
  • Shirt worn underneath the company green shirt must be black
  • All shirts must be tucked into the pants
  • Baseball-style hats worn must be black with the TransNet logo
  • Sweatpants, shorts, skirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sandals, and shirts other than company green are prohibited
  • TransNet ID badge must be worn at all times
  • Scruff facial hair is prohibited unless the employee is currently growing a beard and/or mustache


Public Relations & Customer
Good public relations are essential to help foster the positive opinion people have of the driver, your employer and TransNet. Careful, courteous drivers maKe good impressions.
  • Driver relationships with passengers should be businesslike yet friendly.
  • Learn the names of your regular passengers.
  • Greet all passengers in a friendly manner.
  • Practice patience and understanding.


Vehicle Backing Policy
Drivers must back their vehicles only when it is necessary to do so. Backing a vehicle is one of the most dangerous maneuvers in driving. Drivers are more likely to be involved in a collision while backing than any other type of collision.

The following guidelines should be applied when backing:
  • Walk around your vehicle before backing.
  • Avoid placing your vehicle in a position that may require you to back in order to get out. Leave sufficient distance between your vehicle and the object or vehicle ahead of you. This will allow you enough room to pull forward and drive around it when you are ready to leave.
  • Avoid backing into congested areas.
  • Back slowly from your driver's side. This allows for better visibility.
  • Always check the area behind your vehicle.
  • Make sure your mirrors are adjusted properly.
  • Be aware of moving objects around your vehicle.
  • Put your foot on the brake before shifting into reverse.
  • Use a monitor or spotter to direct traffic.
  • Take your time to ensure the safety of your passengers and to prevent accidents. If you are unable to see clearly, or are unsure as to if it is safe to proceed...STOP! Check it out.
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