Veterans Day 2016: Thank you to our 63 Veterans for their service!
Veterans Day 2016: TransNet and partners, Bux-Mont Transportation, Main Line Transit, Mid County Transportation, Norristown Transportation, Tri County Transit, and Valley Paratransit, recognized 63 of our employees who are veterans. Each branch of the United States Armed Forces is represented: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy. You have all sacrificed for our country and we thank you for your service!
Frank Alvaro James Kamer
James Baker George Kauffman
Ken Beatty Dennis Kelly
Dave Bickley Bob Killian
Roland Bishop Dave Kitchenman
Bill Boswell Jerry Knapp
James Boyle Dave Lear
Ron Bricker Dan Lee
Russell Brown Mac Littles
Jim Burlingame Ed Maguire
James Campbell Alfred Messina
Stephen Campbell Allen Miller
Denny Catagnus Rich Orr
Robert Colkett Richard Preston
David Converse Wayne Robinson
Dan Constanini George Roseboro
John Crawley Tom Salvo
Charlie Dobson Ed Scharnikow
James Dowman Gary Schofield
Tom Draus Robert Smith
Mike Erb John Sowell
James Fredrick Arnold Spence
Joe Fuore Rich Steffenino
Doug Gonger Paul Steinke
Dave Grubb Carl Timmins
Harry Guest David Tupitza
Rick Harrison Allen Walter
Floyd Herman Anthony Watson
Mark Horwedell Ken Webster
George Johnson Donald Wescott
Burton Jones Donald Wuertz
Ed Kalsky